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March 5, 2021

We Have You Covered for All Your Fluid Application Needs

Various fluid applicator brush tips.

There’s a difference between a supplier who provides products and one who provides solutions. And while Designetics offers thousands of standard fluid applicators to fit many different fluids and substrates, we have the expertise and resources to design custom applicators for new and unique situations – providing solutions that maximize coverage and flow for all kinds of fluids and substrates.

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February 19, 2021

Reducing Non-Value Added Work with a Level Detection System

Bottle holder with level sensor.

One of the goals of any manufacturing operation is to use employees’ skills and talents where they add value to the process – like applying fluid to a substrate. And while it’s often necessary to monitor certain aspects of a process, monitoring a parameter such as the fluid level in a bottle is a non-value-added task that pulls people away from their skilled work. This is why manufacturing systems of all types are beginning to integrate monitoring capabilities into their standard operation, and why Designetics developed the Bottle Holder with Level Detection.

The Designetics Bottle Holder with Level Detection provides air-tight delivery of fluids from a manufacturer’s 1 liter or 1 gallon bottle to an e3mini or e3multi precision pump panel. And it can be equipped with either a level sensor or a load cell to automatically monitor the fluid level in the bottle – so the operator doesn’t have to.

Here’s how it works…

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February 5, 2021

What is Poka Yoke Manufacturing: Benefits & Examples

Technician using a fluid application system.

Poka-yoke is a technique used in manufacturing to prevent mistakes and defects from occurring. The concept of poka-yoke, as well as the term, come from Japan and translate to “mistake-proofing” or “error-proofing.” Both were developed in the 1960s by Shigeo Shingo, an expert industrial engineer who worked for Toyota.

The objective of poka-yoke is to design processes and systems in such a way that mistakes or defects become nearly impossible to make. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, such as designing parts or machines that only fit together in one way, adding sensors or alarms to alert operators of potential issues or using visual cues to make it clear how a process should be carried out.

Poka-yoke is often associated with lean manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies, which aim to reduce waste and improve efficiency in manufacturing processes. By preventing mistakes and defects from occurring, poka-yoke helps to reduce the need for rework, improve product quality and increase customer satisfaction.

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January 25, 2021

Interview with an Innovator: Billy Hesser

Designetics innovation quote graphic.

From time to time, we sit down with a Designetics innovator to talk about his or her career as well as topics relevant to the fluid applications industry. This month: Senior Plastics Engineer Billy Hesser.

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December 20, 2020

Reflecting on 2020

Designetics happy holidays graphic.

When I think about the last 12 months, the first feeling that comes to mind is gratitude. I suppose, at this point, we’re all joking about “turning the page” and moving past this difficult and tumultuous year. I know I definitely have those feelings. But most importantly, I’m reflecting on the positive aspects…and for those I remain eternally grateful.

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