Designetics Inc. Global Internet Privacy Policy
This privacy policy applies to Designetics, Inc. (“Designetics Inc.” or “we” or “us” or “our”) and the visitors to this Web Site (the “Web Site”).
We respect the privacy of our visitors. We collect only such personal information as is needed to provide the information, service, or assistance that you request.

Information We Collect Automatically
If you visit the Web Site to browse, read, or download information:
- Your web browser automatically sends us (and we may retain) information such as the Internet domain through which you access the Internet; Internet Protocol address of the computer you are using; type of browser software and operating system you are using; date and time you access the Web Site; and the Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to the Web Site.
- We will use this information as aggregate data to help us maintain the Web Site, e.g., to determine the number of visitors to different sections of the Web Site, to ensure the Web Site is working properly, and to solve technical problems with the service, to calculate overall usage statistics, and to otherwise help us make the Web Site more accessible and useful.
- We will not use this information to identify individuals, except for site security or law enforcement purposes.
- We will not obtain personally-identifying information about you when you visit the Web Site, unless you choose to provide such information.
- We reserve the right to contact visitors regarding account status and changes to the subscriber agreement, privacy statement, or any other policies or agreements relevant to site visitors.
Other Information We Collect
- If you choose to identify yourself (or otherwise provide us with personal information) when you use our online forms: We will collect (and may retain) any personally identifying information, such as your name, street address, email address, and phone number, and any other information you provide. We will use this information to try to fulfill your request and may use it to provide you with additional information at a later time. We will not disclose such information to third parties, except as specified in this Privacy Policy.
- Personal data collected by Designetics Inc. will be used by us for editorial and feedback purposes, for marketing and promotional purposes, for a statistical analysis of users’ behavior, for product development, for content improvement, to inform advertisers as to how many visitors have seen or clicked on their advertisements, to communicate with visitors regarding their orders, and to customize content and layout of the Web Site.
- If you request information, services, or assistance, we may disclose your personal information to those third parties that (in our judgment) are appropriate in order to fulfill your request. If, when you provide us with such information, you specify that you do not want us to disclose the information to third parties, we will honor your request. Note, however, that if you do not provide such information, it may be impossible for us to refer, respond to or fulfill your request.
- If your communication relates to a law enforcement matter, we may disclose the information to law enforcement agencies that we deem appropriate. Designetics Inc. may disclose information when legally compelled to do so; in other words, when we, in good faith, believe that the law requires it or for the protection of our legal rights.
Children’s Privacy
You must be 18 years of age or older in order to use this Web Site. Designetics Inc. is concerned about the safety and privacy of children online. Because of this, we will make all efforts to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). COPPA and its accompanying FTC regulations establish United States federal law that protects the privacy of children using the internet. We do not and will not knowingly contact or collect personally identifying information from children under 18. Our site is not intended to solicit information of any kind from children under 18, and we will develop our site with the capacity to block acceptance of information from children under 18 whenever age-related information is requested.
It is possible that by fraud or deception by others we may receive information given to us or pertaining to children under 18. If we are notified of this, as soon as we verify the information, we will immediately obtain parental consent or else delete the information from our servers. If you want to notify us of our receipt of information by children under 18, please email us at [email protected].
How Long We Keep Information
We may keep information that we collect for an unlimited period of time.
Information Collected by Others
This notice addresses only the policy of the Web Site and not sites that users access via links from the Web Site. Designetics Inc. is not responsible for the information collection policies of other sites, nor for the practices employed by websites linked to or from the Web Site, nor for the information or content contained therein. Often links to other websites are provided solely as pointers to information on topics that may be useful to our visitors. Users are advised to review the privacy policy of other websites.