November 18, 2022
As methods for dispensing fluid evolve from manual to semiautomatic and robotic applications, you may be challenged to enhance your assembly processes while still meeting stringent requirements for quantity, cost and throughput.
Since Designetics is a key player in the design, development and implementation of innovative fluid applicators and systems, we’re well positioned to share advice on alleviating common pain points and improving your dispensing process.
October 21, 2022
October is National Manufacturing Month
How We’re Making an Impact on the Local Level Ohio’s manufacturing sector is thriving. As more small and mid-sized businesses make significant investments in our state, we’re solidifying our position as a manufacturing stronghold...
October 17, 2022
How to Find the Right Fluid Applicators Manufacturer
Finding the right manufacturer of fluid application systems is crucial. Choosing the wrong supplier can lead to problems such as product spoilage, assembly line back-ups, missed deadlines, brand damage and lost revenue. So, keep these points in mind when vetting potential fluid application partners.
September 21, 2022
Designetics Honored with BBB Torch Award for Ethics
The Designetics team is proud to announce we received the 2022 Better Business Bureau Torch Award for Ethics. The BBB created this award in 1995 to honor businesses that put ethics into action in the workplace.
September 19, 2022
Delivering Value to Our Customers with Lean Six Sigma
Designetics owes our success to the seamless functioning of our people, processes and technology. Throughout our 35 years in business, we’ve practiced organizational excellence by continuously improving our operational processes. By implementing Lean Six Sigma methods, we’ve been able to drive success for both our business and the manufacturers we serve.
Former chairman and CEO of General Electric Jack Welch wrote in his 2005 book Winning that variation is evil. That’s because a customer’s positive sentiment toward a company can quickly dissolve at the first sign of inconsistency. Repeatability is crucial since it maintains the business’s integrity and builds trust with customers.